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Table of contents

  1. Asset Suffix
  2. Symlink an Asset-folder

The inpsyde/assets-Package comes with some useful helper functions.

Asset Suffix

The function Inpsyde\Assets\assetSuffix allows to automatically suffix the given Asset with .min if SCRIPT_DEBUG === false:


use function Inpsyde\Assets\withAssetSuffix;

$fileName = withAssetSuffix('my-script.js');

// if SCRIPT_DEBUG === false -> my-script.min.js
// if SCRIPT_DEBUG === true -> my-script.js

Sometimes your Assets will not be inside the web-root, like Composer packages which are normally published outside of web-root. Therefor you can use a simple helper Inpsyde\Assets\symlinkedAssetFolder which allows you to move your asset-folder inside the web-root:


use function Inpsyde\Assets\symlinkedAssetFolder;

$assetDirUrl = symlinkedAssetFolder('/full/path/to/assets/', 'my-package');
// will return: