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Output Filter

Table of contents

  1. Output Filter
  2. Available filters
  3. Create your own filter

Output Filter


These callbacks are specified to manipulate the output of the Script via script_loader_tag and Style via style_loader_tag.

To use an OutputFilter you’ve to assign them to a specific asset:

use Inpsyde\Assets\Asset;
use Inpsyde\Assets\Script;
use Inpsyde\Assets\OutputFilter\AsyncScriptOutputFilter;

$script = new Script('my-handle', 'script.js', Asset::FRONTEND);
$script = $script->withFilters(AsyncScriptOutputFilter::class);

Available filters

Following default OutputFilters are shipped with this package:


This filter will allow you to load your CSS async via preload. It also delivers a polyfill for older browsers which is appended once to ensure that script-loading works properly.

<link rel="preload" href="{url}" as="style" onload="this.onload=null;this.rel='stylesheet'">
<noscript><link rel="stylesheet" href="{url}" /></noscript>
<script>/* polyfill for older browsers */</script>


This filter allows you to print your Style or Script inline into the DOM if the file is readable.


This filter will be added automatically if you’re using Asset::withAttributes([]) and allows you to set additonal key-value pairs as attributes to your script- or link-tag.

See more in Assets.

AsyncScriptOutputFilter (deprecated)

:warning: Deprecated: Please use instead Script::withAttributes(['async' => true]);

DeferScriptOutputFilter (deprecated)

:warning: Deprecated: Please use instead Script::withAttributes(['defer' => true]);

Create your own filter

You can either implement the Inpsyde\Assets\OutputFilter\AssetOutputFilter-interface or just use a normal callable function which will applied on the Asset:

use Inpsyde\Assets\Asset;
use Inpsyde\Assets\Script;

$customFilter = function( string $html, Asset $asset ): string
    // do whatever you have to do.

    return $html;

$script = new Script('my-handle', 'script.js', Asset::FRONTEND);
$script = $script->withFilters($customFilter);