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The composer vip Command

This plugin provides a single command:

composer vip

However, this command alone won’t work. It is necessary to provide one or more flags to describe the task to execute.

Flags Cheat-Sheet


Git and GitHub Options

  • --git - Build Git mirror folder, but do not push. To be used in combination with --local or --vip-dev-env.
  • --push - Build Git mirror folder and push to VIP. To be used in combination with --local or --vip-dev-env.

  • --git-url - Set the Git remote URL to pull from and push to. To be used in combination with --deploy, --local or --vip-dev-env. If not provided, the value will be taken from composer.json in the configuration.
  • --branch - Set the Git branch to pull from and push to. To be used in combination with --deploy, --local or --vip-dev-env. If not provided, the value will be taken from composer.json in the configuration.


  • --sync-dev-paths - Synchronize local dev paths. To be used as the only option. See the “Managing Dev Paths” chapter for more details. Assumed when using --local.
  • --prod-autoload - Generate production autoload. To be used standalone, or in combination with --local. It is assumed when using --vip-dev-env or anyway if Git mirror folder is created, so if any of --git, --push, or --deploy is used.

WordPress and MU Plugins Options

All the following flags are mostly intended to be used in combination with --local (and on a lesser extend with --vip-dev-env).

See the “WP and MU Plugins Command Flags” chapter for more details.

  • --update-wp - Force the update of WordPress core. Can also be used as standalone flag.
  • --skip-wp - Skip the update of WordPress core.
  • --update-vip-mu-plugins - Force the update of VIP Go MU plugins. Can also be used as standalone flag.
  • --skip-vip-mu-plugins - Skip the update of VIP Go MU plugins.