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Plugin Configuration

This Composer plugin can work without any configuration, however, it provides a pretty wide set of configurations that can be used to customize the default behavior.

Configuration resides in the “website project” composer.json in the section.

Configuration Cheat-Sheet

Here’s the full list of configuration values alongside their default. As a reminder, all configurations are optional.

    "extra": {
        "vip-composer": {
            "git": {
                "url": "",
                "branch": ""
            "plugins-autoload": {
                "include": [],
                "exclude": []
            "custom-env-names": [],
            "wordpress": {
                "version": "latest",
                "local-dir": "public",
                "uploads-local-dir": "uploads"
            "vip": {
                "local-dir": "vip",
                "muplugins-local-dir": "vip-go-mu-plugins"
            "dev-paths": {
                "muplugins-dir": "mu-plugins",
                "plugins-dir": "plugins",
                "themes-dir": "themes",
                "languages-dir": "languages",
                "images-dir": "images",
                "vip-config-dir": "vip-config",
                "config-dir": "config",
                "private-dir": "private"

In Detail


This object controls the Git configuration for VIP GitHub repository. See the “Deployment” chapter for more info.

Note: the URL must be provided in the HTTPs format (because easier to validate), even if the command (if possible) will use SSH to interact with GitHub.

While optional, configuring at least the url allows less verbose deployment commands.


This object controls the generation of a MU plugin that acts as a loader for plugins, activating them through code. See the “Activate Plugins Through Code” section in the “Application MU Plugins” chapter for more info.

Optional, but please keep in mind that not having any configuration all WordPress plugins installed via Composer will always be activated via code (and so can’t be deactivated via WP admin).


This is the custom list of environment names used by the VIP application. Only necessary when using uncommon environment names. See the “‘Env’ Files in Separate Packages” section of the “Website Configuration” chapter for more info.


Only useful for custom local development environment. Allow to customize the WP version and the names of the folder (under root) where to save WP files and uploads. See also the “WP and MU Plugins Command Flags” chapter for more info regarding the version.

Allow customization of the names of folder (under root) where to place VIP files (this is the VIP-skeleton-like folder) and VIP Platform MU plugins. Changing these values should be extremely rarely needed.

Allow customization of the names of folder (under root) where to place “dev-paths”. Changing these values should be extremely rarely needed.