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Application MU Plugins

Dealing with Composer Autoload

This plugins handles two tasks connected to Composer autoload:

  • Generate a custom autoload by reusing Composer code, but ensuring no dev-dependency is included, and replacing reference to specific folders with constants like WPCOM_VIP_CLIENT_MU_PLUGIN_DIR, WP_CONTENT_DIR and ABSPATH to ensure maximum compatibility on VIP systems.
  • Require the generated autoload file from a dynamically-generated MU plugin (called __loader.php) which loads the standard Composer autoload in custom local development environments, while uses the autoloader customized for VIP on online environments or for the VIP Local Development Environment.

Activate Plugins Through Code

VIP suggests to activate plugins through code using wpcom_vip_load_plugin function.

The same dynamically-generated MU plugin used to deal with Composer autoload (__loader.php) also contains the code that uses wpcom_vip_load_plugin() to load plugins via code as suggested by VIP.

The MU plugin can be configured in project’s composer.json.

Please note: in the lack of any configuration the generated MU plugin will activate via code all the WordPress plugins required via Composer (they must have a Composer type of "wordpress-plugin").

Allow-list Plugins

To control which plugins to include it is possible to list their Composer names, eventually with * as wildcard, for example:

    "extra": {
        "vip-composer": {
            "plugins-autoload": {
                "include": [

Deny-list Plugins

In the case it is easier to exclude packages from being loaded, it is possible to use the exclude key:

    "extra": {
        "vip-composer": {
            "plugins-autoload": {
                "exclude": [


  • Packages listed by they exact qualified name (combination of vendor + name) will always take precedence on glob patterns.
  • If no qualified name matches, patterns are evaluated in the same order they are written, so might try to put “more generic” matches at the end
  • In case both include and exclude keys are provided, exclude is ignored: any package matching include will be loaded, anything else will not.

Loading of Env-Specific Configuration Files

This plugin supports env-specific configuration files which are loaded via a MU plugin called __config-files-loader.php.

See the “Website Configuration” chapter for more details.

Deployment Information

During the execution of composer vip this plugin generates an unique “Deployment ID” which is saved to a file in the /private folder. Learn more about it in the “Deployment ID” section of the “Deployment” chapter.

This plugin delivers a MU plugin (deploy-info.php) which reads the content and the metadata of that file and use them to print information about the last deployment in WordPress admin footer.