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WP and MU Plugins Command Flags

When building a custom local environment via composer vip --local, the command, among other things, needs to:

Both this operations can be customized via command flags and configurations.


Configuring the Version

First of all, to download WordPress the plugin needs to know which version. In the lack of configuration the latest version is used. To customize the version, it is possible to use the section of composer.json:

	"extra": {
        "vip-composer": {
            "wordpress": {
                "version": "6.*"

The version value can be anything supported by Composer, plus the string "latest" which is the default in case of no configuration.

WordPress Download Logic

The composer vip --local command downloads WordPress from official release zip files (“no content” version) in 3 cases:

  • The first time the command is run (or in any case the WordPress folder is not found).
  • "latest" is used as version requirement in plugin configuration in composer.json and a new (stable) WP release happened.
  • The currently installed version does not satisfy the requirements in requirement in composer.json.

This means that even if a newer version of WordPress is released that would satisfy the requirements, but the currently installed version also satisfies the requirements no installation is made.

For example if the composer.json configuration says 6.4.*, the currently installed version is 6.4.1 and the 6.4.2 is available, WordPress is not updated by default.

Unlike the VIP Local Development Environment, this plugins can not synchronize the WordPress version configured in composer.json with the version used on the VIP environment, so this must be done manually.

Force WP Update

To force WP update, the --update-wp flag can be used in combination with composer vip --local.

Essentially, composer vip --local --update-wp means: “update local environment and also force the update of WP if a new acceptable version is available”.

Please note that this is not relevant on deployment. When deploying, there’s no reason to download WordPress core. The online VIP environments will use whatever WP version is configured in the VIP dashboard.

Usage with VIP Local Development Environment

The --update-wp flag might also be useful when using the VIP Local Development Environment. Even if the VIP local environment will not utilize the files downloaded to execute the code (but rather the core version in the container) having a local WordPress copy might be useful to configure a step-debugger and be able to step-in WP core code in the IDE by using “local folder mappings”.

Of course, it is essential the WP version in the container (which is the WP version used online when using --slug for vip dev-even create) and the WP version downloaded by this plugin are the same. That could be simplified configuring a fixed WordPress version in the composer.json plugin configuration mentioned above.

Skip WP Update

The --skip-wp flag tells the command to never download WP. This might be useful when, for example, version requirement is set to "latest" but one wants to save the time necessary to download and unzip WordPress (which might take a while, especially on slow connections).

VIP Platform MU Plugins

The most time-consuming task the first time composer vip --local is executed is to download VIP Platform MU plugins. Those plugins accounts for over 300 Mb in total.

This is why the composer vip --local, by default, only downloads the MU plugins if they are not there. So presumably the first time ever the command is ran, or if the folder is deleted by hand. To be clear: there’s no version check, if the folder is found, no download is done.

Force MU Plugins Update

To force MU plugins update, the --update-vip-mu-plugins flag can be used in combination with composer vip --local.

Essentially, composer vip --local --update-vip-mu-plugins means “update local environment and also force the update of VIP Go MU plugins”

Usage with VIP Local Development Environment

The VIP Local Development Environment includes containerized service VIP MU plugins. However, it provides an option to load VIP MU plugins from a local folder. By using --update-vip-mu-plugins in combination composer vip --vip-dev-env and then building the VIP Local Development Environment with vip dev-env create --mu-plugins="./vip-go-mu-plugins" it is possible to run the VIP local environment loading the VIP MU plugins from a local folder this plugins download, which might be useful for debugging purposes.

Skip MU Plugins Update

The --skip-vip-mu-plugins flag tells the command to never download VIP Platform MU plugins. This is useful when MU plugins are not there (never downloaded or deleted by hand), but one wants to save the time necessary to download them, for any reason.

Must be noted that if MU plugins are not there and --skip-vip-mu-plugins is used, the local installation will not be functional.