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The application flow

Modularity implements its application flow in two stages:

  • First, the application’s dependencies tree is “composed” by collecting services declared in modules, adding sub-containers, and connecting other applications.
  • After that, the application dependency tree is locked, and the services are “consumed” to execute their behavior.

The Package class implements the two stages above, respectively, in the two methods:

  • Package::build()
  • Package::boot()

For convenience, Package::boot() is “smart enough” to call build() if it was not called before, so the following code (that makes the two stages evident):


is entirely equivalent to the following:


Both stages are implemented through a series of steps, and the application status progresses as the steps are complete. In the process, a few action hooks are fired to allow external code to interact with the flow.

At any point of the flow, by holding an instance of the Package is possible to inspect the current status via Package::statusIs(), passing as an argument one of the Package::STATUS_* constants.

Building stage

  1. Upon instantiation, the Package status is at Package::STATUS_IDLE
  2. Default modules can be added by calling Package::addModule() on the instance.
  3. The Package::ACTION_INIT action hook is fired, passing the package instance as an argument. That allows external code to add modules.
  4. The Package status moves to Package::STATUS_INITIALIZED. The “building” stage is completed, and no more modules can be added.

Booting stage

  1. When the booting stage begins, the Package status moves to Package::STATUS_MODULES_ADDED.
  2. A read-only PSR-11 container is created. It can lazily resolve the dependency tree defined in the previous stage.
  3. All executables modules run. That is when all the application behavior happens. Note: Because the container is “lazy”, only the consumed services are resolved. The Package never executes factory callbacks for services “registered” in the previous stage but not used in this stage.
  4. The Package status moves to Package::STATUS_READY.
  5. The Package::ACTION_READY action hook is fired, passing the package instance as an argument. External code hooking that action can access the read-only container instance, resolve services, and perform additional actions but not register modules.
  6. The Package status moves to Package::STATUS_BOOTED. The booting stage is completed. Package::boot() returns true.

The “failure flow”

The steps listed above for the two stages represent the “happy paths”. If any exception is thrown at any of the steps above, the flows are halted and the “failure flow” starts.

When the failure starts during the “building” stage

  1. The Package status moves to Package::STATUS_FAILED.
  2. The Package::ACTION_FAILED_BUILD action hook is fired, passing the raised Throwable as an argument.
  3. If the Package’s Properties instance is in “debug mode” (Properties::isDebug() returns true), the exception bubbles up, and the flow stops here.
  4. If the Properties instance is not in “debug mode”, the Package::ACTION_FAILED_BOOT action hook is fired, passing a Throwable whose previous property is the Throwable thrown during the building stage. The “previous hierarchy” could be several levels if during the building stage many failures happened.
  5. Package::boot() returns false.

When the failure starts during the “booting” stage

  1. The Package status moves to Package::STATUS_FAILED.
  2. The Package::ACTION_FAILED_BOOT action hook is fired, passing the raised Throwable as an argument.
  3. If the Package’s Properties instance is in “debug mode” (Properties::isDebug() returns true), the exception bubbles up, and the flow stops here.
  4. Package::boot() returns false.

A note about default modules passed to boot()

The Package::boot() method accepts a list of modules. That has been deprecated since Modularity v1.7.

Considering that Package::boot() represents the “booting” stage that is supposed to happen after the “building” stage, it might be hard to figure out where the addition of those modules fits in the flows described above.

When Package::boot() is called without calling Package::build() first, as in:

Package::new($properties)->boot(new ModuleOne(), new ModuleTwo());

The code is equivalent to the following:

Package::new($properties)->addModule(new ModuleOne())->addModule(new ModuleTwo())->boot();

So the “building” flow is respected.

However, when Package::boot() is called after Package::build(), as in:

Package::new($properties)->build()->boot(new ModuleOne(), new ModuleTwo());

The Package is at the end of the “building” flow after Package::build() is called, but it must “jump” back in the middle of “building” flow to add the modules.

In fact, after Package::build() is called the application status is at Package::STATUS_INITIALIZED, and no more modules can be added.

However, for backward compatibility reasons, in that case, the Package temporarily “hacks” the status back to Package::STATUS_IDLE so modules can be added, and then resets it to Package::STATUS_INITIALIZED so that the “booting” stage can start as usual.

This “hack” is why passing modules to Package::boot() has been deprecated and will be removed in the next major version when backward compatibility breaks are allowed.