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Properties containing additional information about your Application and can be built based on Themes, Plugins or Libraries. The Properties itself are immutable and only grant access to values after they were injected into the Package-class.

Properties are added to the Package-class and automatically added as a Service to the primary Container.

To access Properties in your application via Container you can use the class constant Package::PROPERTIES:



use Inpsyde\Modularity\Package;
use Inpsyde\Modularity\Properties\Properties;
use Inpsyde\Modularity\Module\ExecutableModule;
use Inpsyde\Modularity\Module\ModuleClassNameIdTrait;
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;

class ModuleThree implements ExecutableModule
    use ModuleClassNameIdTrait;

    public function run(ContainerInterface $container) : bool
        /** @var Properties $properties */
        $properties = $container->get(Package::PROPERTIES);
        return true;

A specific instance of your Properties will use the following data:

Properties method Theme - style.css Plugin - file header Library - composer.json
Properties::author() Author Author authors[0].name
Properties::authorUri() Author URI Author URI authors[0].homepage
Properties::description() Description Description description
Properties::domainPath() Domain Path Domain Path extra.modularity.domainPath
Properties::name() Theme Name Plugin Name
Properties::textDomain() Text Domain Text Domain extra.modularity.textDomain
Properties::uri() Theme URI Plugin URI extra.modularity.uri
Properties::version() Version Version version
Properties::requiresWp() Requires at least Requires at least extra.modularity.requiresWp
Properties::requiresPhp() Requires PHP Requires PHP require.php
Properties::baseUrl() WP_Theme::get_stylesheet_directory_uri() plugins_url()  
Properties::network()   Network  
Properties::status() Status    
Properties::tags() Tags   keywords
Properties::template() Template    

Accessing connected packages’ properties

When we have packages connected via Package::connect(), to access connected packages’ properties, we could do that using a container key whose format is: sprintf('%s.%s', $connectedPackage->name(), Package::PROPERTIES).


Inside your Plugin you can use the following code to automatically generate Properties based on the Plugins Header:

use Inpsyde\Modularity\Properties;

$properties = Properties\PluginProperties::new('/path/to/plugin-main-file.php');

Additionally, PluginProperties will have the following public API:

  • PluginProperties::pluginMainFile(): string - returns the Plugin main file.
  • PluginProperties::network(): bool - returns if the Plugin is only network-wide usable.
  • PluginProperties::isActive(): bool - returns if the current Plugin is active.
  • PluginProperties::isNetworkActive(): bool - returns if the current Plugin is network-wide active.
  • PluginProperties::isMuPlugin(): bool - returns if the current Plugin is a must-use Plugin.

Please note that our usage of get_plugin_data opts out of translations and HTML-safe text processing (via wptexturize) offered by default. These functions should not be used before the ‘init’ hook which may be too late for some applications.


To generate Properties for your Theme you need to provide the Theme directory or Theme name. Properties will be built based on the headers in style.css of your Theme:

use Inpsyde\Modularity\Properties;

$properties = Properties\ThemeProperties::new('/path/to/theme/directory/');

Additionally, ThemeProperties will have the following public API:

  • ThemeProperties::status(): string - If the current Theme is “published”.
  • ThemeProperties::tags(): array - Tags defined in style.css.
  • ThemeProperties::template(): string
  • ThemeProperties::isChildTheme(): bool - True, when the Theme is a Child Theme and using a template.
  • ThemeProperties::isCurrentTheme(): bool - returns true when this Theme is activated.
  • ThemeProperties::parentThemeProperties(): ?ThemeProperties - returns Properties of the parent theme if it is a child-Theme.


For libraries, you can use the LibraryProperties which give you context based on your composer.json. You can bootstrap your standalone-library like following:

use Inpsyde\Modularity\Properties;

$properties = Properties\LibraryProperties::new('path/to/composer.json');

Often when creating a library we don’t know the base URL of library, because we don’t know where it gets installed and WP does not natively support libraries. That is why by default LibraryProperties::baseUrl() returns null.

In the case a LibraryProperties instance is created in a context where the base URL is known, it is possible to include it when creating the instance:

$url = '';
$properties = Inpsyde\Modularity\Properties\LibraryProperties::new('path/to/composer.json', $url);

Alternatively, is the URL is known at a later time, when an instance of LibraryProperties is already present, it is possible to use the withBaseUrl() method:

$url = '';
/** @var Inpsyde\Modularity\Properties\LibraryProperties $properties */

Please note that withBaseUrl() will only work if a base URL is not set already, otherwise it will throw an exception.

Additionally, LibraryProperties will have the following public API:

  • LibraryProperties::tags(): array - returns a list of keywords defined in composer.json.